Monday, June 3, 2013

Pictures with my two children

As Matt was outside talking to someone from church. I decided to take pictures with my babies. Thankfully, I figured out how to use my camera's self-timer. Joanna and I was actually saying, "cheese". You can tell that Peter got distracted with our voices. It's hard to get him to face the camera. At least, I have one picture of him looking directly at the camera. Hooray!

Besides that, we made it back to Georgia safe and sound. Praise the Lord! Thanks for all who prayed for us. It was a short trip but hey it won't be long until it's time for us to head back to Texas. Yee-haw! I can't believe we're actually planning on staying in Austin for awhile!! Yay!! It's a blessing to be close to all our families, both mine and Matt's! For sure, I'm going to have to cherish this opportunity as much as I can because we'll never know where God wants us next, you know? I thank the Lord for allowing us to be home with our loved ones until He calls us elsewhere.

Well.. I better get some rest. It's crazy that I stayed up until 2 a.m. I'm going to post some of my cousin's wedding pictures later.

cornerstoneguerra's self-timer photos album on Photobucket

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