Friday, July 29, 2011

Month of July photos

Joanna wasn't feeling good and in this picture Matt is signing "poor baby".

Giving her some water in a straw.
This is the only picture I took of her on the Fourth of July.
Oh yeah! Love me some cheese puffs.

Can't get enough.
Mommy, I don't smile well with your flash.

See? I'm trying but I'm telling's too bright.

I want a nap!
I'm tired mommy.
A friend gave Joanna some clothes that I believe
were styles in the 70s and 80s.
Don't you recognized this outfit?
From back in the days?? I do!!
(More to come)
Love visiting daddy at work.
I get to play with his pencil.
Nope, sure ain't letting that pencil go!

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