Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Missing chromosome

We visited baby Andrew today. The doctor saw us and gave us bad news. Yet again. The doctor said that they found a part of missing chromosome 18p deletion.  Having to go through this is emotionally draining for both Matt and I... not only emotionally but physically and mentally as well.  Please keep both of us in prayers. We are in need of them. Two person reminded me today that God is in control and makes no mistakes.  How true!

I feel a little bad for Matt.. I didn't think this has affected him as much as it has affected me. He told me that just because he doesn't show it doesn't mean he doesn't need me.  I know he also needs a "male" friend besides me. He has made those comments before.

Now, baby Andrew has to stay a couple of more days at the hospital to take a couple of more blood tests. Get his thyroid checked. Also, to get his heart checked again. I don't know what else but that's all I can think of at the moment.

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